Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bathroom Sink Cabinet

In our now to be guest bathroom the cabinet under the sink has been a kind of black hole.  It is very deep and will hold a lot of stuff and who knows what is down there?  OK, I had a general idea of what had been stashed there but it is time to "de-clutter and organize"(those are my new catch phrases like divide and conquer).

First step empty the cupboard. Second throw away or give away anything I no longer need or want. Third bring order to what is left.

Since I would like to spend as little as possible on this project, especially since I am not 100% sure of what I want stored here, I decided I would go the cardboard box route.  That way I could play around with the shape and size I would like to use and if it didn't work I wouldn't mind getting rid of them.  There are a lot of great organizational tools and containers out there but I don't want to invest in them until I know what will work.  Once I know what I want where and how I want it I can then get sturdier or cuter containers to hold them but until then I will still be organized.

It is amazing how you see things and find things when you are paying attention.  Kind of like if you buy a new car you all the sudden see that car everywhere when before you never noticed it.  Well I was at Costco and all of a sudden I saw great boxes everywhere.  I found this Canola Oil box and thought It might be just the right size for this project. (The cashier must have thought I was crazy walking out with four of these boxes and I didn't want my groceries put into them)

I cut them down. I found that using a serrated knife is the best when cutting card board boxes.

Next step was to take them outside to spray paint.  I used spray paint we had around the house and played around with the different colors we had, This is only the first coat they look better after the second one and the white box got a green coat after all.

I had two great little helpers

The boxes fit my deep shelves perfectly and I was able to organize my stuff easily.  I am so glad I tried these boxes.  One because they didn't cost me anything (to buy bins that would fit my shelves it would have cost me at least $50 most likely more).  Two  I can see what I have easily and because they go all the way to the back of the shelf I can pull out the box and see what is there. (no more black hole)
Three I can change things around with out feeling like I wasted money on containers that I don't need anymore.  These boxes really can work well.  The Shampoo and Conditioner box and the one next to it without a label are boxes I cut to use about five years ago (see I have been trying to organize for a long time.  I just need to redo it)

By clearing out the clutter and getting things in order I feel like I am now capable to start decorating and improving the looks of things around my house.

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