Thursday, August 29, 2013

Kitchen drawers

When your goal is to organize the whole house it can get a little overwhelming.  I have decided to stay with drawers, cupboards and closets for awhile.  It is easier for me to designate their assigned purpose.  My kitchen has a lot of those so that is what I will focus on for the next few blogs.
I have four drawers to hold my different cooking /baking tools.

My usual first step is to empty the drawers and then evaluate what I have and what I really need.  With the encouragement from the comment by BeDesigned on the Jewelry Draw post I knew I could do this.  I can get rid of the things I don't really need.

Whisks:  I just purchased the two black ones to use with my non-stick pans so they stay. The Blue one is broken (that is why I bought the black ones) so it goes.  the silver ones I will keep the three heavy duty ones so two more are gone.  Ok here is the hard one.  The gravy mixer.  My grandmother gave it to me when she was cleaning out her drawer.  (she passed away 22 years ago so that gives you some idea at how old it is)  The metal in the middle is rusty and I don't want to use it in food for that reason.  You ask what I would say to someone with a similar emotional hang up.  I would say "take a picture of it and write about it in your journal to see and share and then move on. So that is what I will do.
Knifes:  get rid of them all.  I have a great knife set in a block on my counter so why keep these knives that I never use?  I think I am making excellent progress here.

Graters:  Keep all
Rubber Spatulas:  One of each size.  I think the orange, green and dark orange one
Ok, progress may have been slowing down a bit.

Spatulas:  Love them all!  a must keep
Wooden Spoons:  Keep two.  I really am only keeping them for my daughter Lindsay to use when she makes soup at my house which is fairly often.  (Hey, If someone wants to cook for me, who am I to complain)

Baby spoons:  Need them all for when the little ones come over.  No I don't have that many grandchildren but they have to hold one while someone holds one to feed them and then you always need another one when one gets thrown on the floor. (that is a lot of ones)

Now this is getting boring so I will just show you what else was in the drawer without the blow by blow decisions that I made.

The time has come to put it all back.

No wait!  Distraction time.
My husband called and said he had found the dog they have been looking for.  Other people wanted him too so I needed to hurry and make sure I got there first to claim this amazing animal so our poor little fifteen year old boy could have the companion of his dreams.

You have to admit he is cute.
The drawers will have to wait to be completed.  Life does get in the way sometimes.  Even for organized people.  At least I think so.  How about you?

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